Prepare Your Property to Survive the Long Winter
Kris Vento

The temperatures may be falling, but that doesn’t mean it’s time to put away your landscaping tools! Your landscape still needs some special care and attention to help it endure the cold months ahead. Here are five ways to prepare your landscape for winter’s worst.

1. Fertilize

Fertilizing your landscape during the mid to late fall ensures that your lawn will be nutrient-rich going into the winter season. The resulting root growth will help your grass not only survive the cold but also have a healthy start next spring. We recommend fertilizers that contain nitrogen and potassium to promote vigorous root growth.

2. Aerate Your Lawn

Aeration is when small holes are made in the soil to increase airflow and allow nutrients to access turfgrass roots easily, leading to a healthier lawn. In addition, aerating your lawn encourages root expansion and helps enrich the soil to minimize damage during the winter month.

3. Wrap Young Trees

Do you have young trees on your property? They can be vulnerable to the cold. Wrapping their trunks with specialty tree wrap can help prevent them from harm. During the winter months, sunlight warms up the sap under the surface of the bark, causing it to expand and crack when it freezes overnight. Wrap will protect your trees against temperature fluctuations.

4. Clean Up Debris

When left all winter long, sticks, leaves, and other eyesores can cause unsightly discoloration and bald spots. These items can also welcome harmful pests and diseases to your lawn. Additionally, if you don’t remove debris by spring, the grass may not receive enough nutrients to grow properly. So, set your landscape up for success and keep it tidy throughout the winter months.

5. Start a Compost Pile

In addition to your household scraps, leaves, branches, and lawn clipping are great to add to a compost pile. Starting your compost pile in the fall and adding to it throughout the winter can help you get ahead with next year’s garden. The compost pile will decay over the winter months, creating nutrient-rich soil for spring planting.

Taking care of your landscape during the winter season will help you preserve its beauty and prepare for stunning spring blooms. For more year-round landscaping tips, be sure to like us on Facebook and Instagram!



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